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Friday, April 27, 2007


I have recently discovered that I have several "types" of friends. I have never really noticed until now. It's funny how people have different friends for different types of activities.

Jen D is my "grown up friend". I met her in nursing school. When we get together we do things like go shopping at garden ridge or go to candle lite parties. As a matter of fact, we went and played bingo last night. Jen is just a year or so younger than I am and her daughter is a year younger than mine. Sometimes, we just get the families together and bar-b-que.
Shauna D is my "party girl friend". I also met her in nursing school. She is a couple of years younger than I am. When we get together, we basically go out partying to different bars or whatnot. Generally, my husband does not go with us because he does not want to venture too far from home. Consequently, Jen D and Shauna D do not get along, haven't since nursing school so getting the two together is not an option.
Erin S is my "family friend". We were best friends in high school but have since grown up and consequently grown apart. She has two children and is currently pregnant. On occasion, our families get together for bar-b-ques and we sit and talk about old times when I was a "bad influence".
Elizabeth K is my "long lost friend". We went to high school together but since then she has move to Los Angelas and we barely keep in touch. We try to get together whenever she is in town. I also aspire to travel out that way but somehow life gets in the way.
Heather R, Jennifer R, and Nicole W are all my "work friends". We all try to go out on the town once in a while, when work schedules permit, which is not easy to coordinate.
Jen S is my "new friend". We just recently started hanging out together. She is dating one of my husband's friends. She also has a toddler from a previous relationship. They come over for our periodic game night. We play tennis and she introduces me to people around here that I don't know.
Then there's always those friends of friends that you hang out with but don't consider in your close circle.

It's just funny to me how I find myself hanging out with different types of people depending on the activity. For instance, I could never invite Shauna over to a game night because she would be bored witless. The same as I could never invite Jen or Erin out for a night of partying because of their families. Getting the girls from work together for a game of bingo on a Thursday night is damn near impossible because someone inevitably has to work.
I like the fact that I have just a wide variety of friends. I can't honestly see my life any other way.

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