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Friday, March 30, 2007

The F Word

So I got a call from the principal today. (dun dun duuuuun) She's in first grade for pete's sake! Maybe I should consider home schooling now, save myself from the heartache of the next 11 years. Too bad I don't have that sort of patience. Dangit!
Anyway, apparently, my seven year-old found a bad word written on the back the bus seat in front of her. Not just any bad word mind you, the F word. Let's add insult to injury and say that it's not only the F word but has "You" tacked right there on the end. Oh geez!
So my little reader sees this in front of her and proceeds to read out loud for all to hear and laughter ensues from all. She perceives this attention as a good thing and keeps repeating it, over and over. Insert the mental picture of my little 7 year old yelling "F*** you! F*** you! F***you!" Ohhhh, bad.
This is the same girl who refuses to say Crap and calls it the "ept word" or the "K word". (funny that she knows what f-u-c-k spells but can't spell crap) I know that she knows that it's wrong and we went through the "shit" stage years ago.
So i have just concluded my hour long lecture on cuss words. No shit, fuck, damn, ass, etc. (yes, dam is okay) I have acknowledged my own affinity for cussing. I tried that whole "I am 26 years old and you are not". Ultimately, here goes my attempt on cleaning up my language. Fruitless? I hope not.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Blah, blah, blah

So, it's been a while since my last post. I guess that's a good sign. Nothing catastrophic to report I suppose. I guess both my husband and my mother have been on good behavior. Only problem is, it leaves me lacking for something to rant about.
I did finish painting the bedroom. I thought I enjoyed painting, turns out, not so much. I did let my husband tape off the doorways and windowsills and such to help him feel useful. However, he neglected to tell me that he had no idea what he was doing and it ended up being more work for me. Oh well.
It was tedious but it's done, thank goodness. It did, however, set off Kevin's (the husband) latest OCD fixation. I accidentally mentioned how the new color brought out the white in the doors. This set off a week long mission to change every outlet, lightswitch, and cover in the entire house from off white to white. I will admit that it looks just a little bit nicer but geez man, get a grip, who cares.
Oh well, my boring life. Nice.