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Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Valentine's Day!

Here it is already February. Time for my latest rant. My husband has heard this particular rant many times. Valentine's day is fast approaching. I hate Valentine's Day. Hate is a very strong word to me but I truly do hate it. My whole view on it is this:
If you want to send me flowers, why can't you send me flowers because it's Wednesday and you love me? not because it's February 14th and the card and flower companies tell you that you should? Who ever said that a dozen red roses mean that you love somebody? I personally like tulips. Do they jack up the price of tulips in February? Nope....actually, I don't think you can even get tulips in February....beside the point. I don't even like chocolates. Blah.
My daughter's class even has a party for this "hallmark" holiday. They can't have a Christmas party anymore, it has to be called a HOLIDAY Party lest we offend. Nobody thinks twice about the single parents out there that have to buy valentine's day cards and prepare treats and cookies for the celebration. What if I had a big hissy about celebrating valentine's day? Said it violated my religious convictions? I'm sure it would take more than just me but you get the point. Would they change the rules? Don't get me wrong, I don't begrudge my daughter her holiday party but should it really be considered a holiday? Blah!
Anyway, there goes my little rant that usually occurs around this time of year. Doesn't do me any good, just makes me feel better. Oh well, till next time.

1 comment:

Wyvetta said...

I agree with you. My husband and I stopped celebrating commerical holidays for this very reason. We would go out and by each other gifts that we really did not want or that we could not afford. By the time Valentine's Day was over our anniversary would come up. Therefore, we started celebrating "Just Because."