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Friday, February 2, 2007

I believe....

Our first paper for our English 101 class is to write an essay highlighting one thing that we believe in. I believe that I am making this more difficult than it has to be. It's not that I can't come up with topics or what to write in those topics. My mind goes with about fifty different things in fifty different directions. I start to write about one thing, then my ADD mind switches to a "better" topic and I'm off to that one. Blah! Problem is, I'm my own worst critic. I think it's too cheesy or not cheesy enough. Oh well, I'll suck it up and focus eventually. I just needed a little break to rant about something and I figured, why not put it in my blog?? That's what it's here for right?

1 comment:

Wyvetta said...

Blogging has been a very healthy tool for me. I know that it is just journaling, however journaling is oftern kept private. Blogging allows you to get feedback from people who know little about you. It gives you an opportunity to rant about your feelings and fears. Thanks for the exposure to a whole new world.