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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I DO NOT Love New York.

So, it comes down to the fact that my blog will be random rants from me in my everyday life. I'm pretty okay with that.
Today's topic: I Love New York. The word that continues to flash, bright pink, over and over in my mind is Why? Why? Why? Biggest question of all is why the hell do I continue to watch this show. I think it's that whole car accident analogy. You just can't look away. This show would be the severed arm right in my lane of traffic. I do not love her, I hate her soul. Yet, I continue to watch. God help me.
I blame Flavor Flav. It all started with his show, Flavor of Love. Again, the same question, why? I think I kinda know the answer to that one though. Who doesn't love a good cat fight? I think that's what got me hooked. Now, I hated New York, the person (Tiffany I think her name is), way back then. I found her pathetic and sad but in a way that made me feel like a million bucks, cause I wasn't near as crazy as her crazy ass on my best day, so it was okay. So she gets rejected in the worst way, not once, but twice, by some crackhead looking dude with gold teeth, a cane, and a big stupid clock hanging around his scrawny neck. Kinda would make me wanna get a faceplant and move to India. She's not a bad looking girl, crazy as shit, but not completely unfortunate looking. I guess VH1 felt kinda bad for ole crazy ass so they give her her very own TV show, where she can meet the love of her life one half hour at a time. Oh, but she's got some help, her crazIER than shit, momma. That woman scares the bejesus outta me. I would maybe consider the fact that she sold her mom's soul to get her own show but I truly doubt that woman has one. Personally, I would consider selling my own soul to watch those two spontaneously combust on national television. There's must see tv for you.
I realize that, for some of the drama, VH1 is pulling a "jerry springer show" on me and hyping it up but, damn me, I'm a sucker for it. I wanna see these grown men cry over a dog and dress up in gold speedo thongs, strutting their stuff in a "Man-gent". That's right, a MAN-GENT. God help me, I HATE I Love New York, but I'll be tuning in every stinkin chance I get.

1 comment:

Ashlea said...

I was addicted to "Flavor of Love," but I can't get my mind to wrap around "I Love New York," probably coz I never did. She annoyed the hell out of me. What's worse is she looks like she's old, like in her 30's old, but she's 25. That's how old I am. She looks like she's been through a lot.